November, 2023


Finished Chapter 6. I feel like I'm blazing on through the game now, despite it being set to hard mode. I'm also taking much less damage as I've FINALLY learned I need to waggle the stick if I wanna shake off a ghost, not hammer buttons. Doi.

Also, I'm now once again without a camera, and will need to do the run around to get it back.


Blitzed all the way to Chapter 6. Mayu is missing once again, and I bumblefucked my way into Osaka House proper. Getting better at fighting ghosts...


Took WAY too long to get back to. Continued searching Kiryu House. Found doll parts. Got mad that I couldn't start the puzzle, and looked up the next step. Needed design plans, but I needed to go to the sealed room. Once I learned that, I blitzed through the rest of the chapter, fighting the Dollmaker Ghost (he's a bastard), and reached chapter 7... losing the camera. Shit.

October, 2023


Got to the new chapter and more-or-less solved the Heaven and Earth passageway between the twin houses. Encountered the murder twins and the falling victim. Now I'm just sad...

July, 2023